Soundtracks aus dem Film Der letzte Hexenjäger

18 Lieder
The Last Witch Hunter
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Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor, Op. 27/2, "Moonlight" : Adagio sostenuto
Jeno Jando
More Than You
Class Actress
Szene, in der Chloe sich um ihre Kunden in ihrer Bar kümmert und der Hexenjäger hereinkommt
Far from the Tree
Bob Moses
Paint It, Black
I Curse You With Life
Steve Jablonsky
Three Is Trouble
Steve Jablonsky
Steve Jablonsky
Well Hello, Witch Hunter
Steve Jablonsky
Lights Out
Steve Jablonsky
The Witch Queen
Steve Jablonsky
I Must Remember
Steve Jablonsky
Good Hunting
Steve Jablonsky
Remember Your Death
Steve Jablonsky
This Isn't Real
Steve Jablonsky
I Am Reborn
Steve Jablonsky
You Have To Fight
Steve Jablonsky
By Iron And Fire
Steve Jablonsky
At Your Service
Steve Jablonsky
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