Main Theme (From "Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope") [Instrumental]
John Williams
The Princess Appears
John Williams
Chris stellt John Williams vor.
The Big One
Alan Stanley Tew
Chris bittet John Williams, das The People Court-Thema zu spielen.
Cantina Band
John Williams
Chris und Herbert in der Cantina.
Doctor Who (Original Theme) [From "Doctor Who"]
Ron Grainer
Millennium Falcon im Hyper Space.
Minnie the Moocher
Cab Calloway
Peter fordert die Gruppe auf, seinem Beispiel zu folgen und zu handeln, "wirklich cool".
(I've Had) The Time of My Life
Bill Medley
Lukas muss die Prinzessin retten; Obi-wan Kenobi verabschiedet sich.
It Might Be You
Stephen Bishop
Peters Talkshow "The Midnight Shift"
Ben's Death and TIE Fighter Attack
John Williams
Kampf gegen die Krawattenkämpfer.
Main Theme (From "Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope") [Instrumental]
John Williams, Skywalker Symphony Orchestra
The Princess Appears
John Williams, London Symphony Orchestra
Chris stellt John Williams vor.
Chris bittet John Williams, das Thema von The People Court zu spielen.
Cantina Band
John Williams, London Symphony Orchestra
Chris und Herbert in der Cantina.
Doctor Who (Original Theme) [From "Doctor Who"]
Ron Grainer, Delia Derbyshire
Millennium Falken im Hyperraum.
(I've Had) The Time of My Life
Jennifer Warnes, Bill Medley
Luke muss die Prinzessin retten; Obi-Wan Kenobi verabschiedet sich.
Ben's Death and TIE Fighter Attack
John Williams, London Symphony Orchestra
Kampf gegen die Tie Fighter.
2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)